Every Hosted in Canada Survey account is stored on a separate subdomain, and has its own version of both the survey software and the survey database. Your data is never accessible by any other account holder.
Accounts are stored on a shared server; however, each account is a separate web space accessible only to you.
We offer Virtual Private Servers and Dedicated Servers if you have this requirement. This is a "customized" solution, and certainly can be accommodated -- our OneRate pricing does not apply to this arrangement, so please contact us for a personalized quote.
Our Enterprise Prime package includes 256-bit AES at rest data encrption at the database layer, for those organizations who need to meet PHIPA or other Health Record Act privacy requirements. With the combination of SSL and at rest data encryption, you can be assured of the complete encrpytion of all data from end to end browser to server, and server level database.
If you wish to have SSL (secured connection) to your survey -- either for respondents or for administration -- we can accommodate this with SSL certificates (the same implementation used by banks, e-commerce sites, etc).