The following is a list of the types of questions our platform supports. Hover over a question type to see a preview image.
Matrix/Array Type
- Array
- Array (5 point choice)
- Array (10 point choice)
- Array (Yes/No/Uncertain)
- Array (Increase/Same/Decrease)
- Array by column
- Array dual scale
- Array (Numbers)
- Array (Text)
- Array (Checkbox)
- Array (Dropdown)
Mask questions
- Date
- File upload
- Gender
- Language switch
- Numerical input
- Numerical input using sliders
- Multiple numerical input
- Ranking
- Text display - insert any static text into your survey
- Yes/No
- Equation / mathematical - perform many mathematical transformations with numeric data
Multiple choice questions
- Multiple choice
- Multiple choice with comments
Single choice questions
- 5 point choice
- List (Dropdown)
- List (Radio)
- List with comment
Text questions
- Short free text
- Long free text
- Huge free text - a really big version of Long free text
- Multiple short text
Mapping Questions
- Location selection using Google Maps or OpenStreetMaps