Publication & access control
Access this panel from: Survey properties->General Settings & texts -- you'll find the Publication & access control on the right side of the screen. Click on it to expand it. 
  • List survey publicly: The default value is "No". When it is set to "Yes", your survey will be listed in the "available surveys" on the landing page of your survey account (not the landing page of your individual survey s-- just your survey account domain)
  • Start date/time: The date the survey starts (when it is available to participants)
  • Expiry date/time: Set this to some date if you want your survey to expire on a special date. This is the last date on which the public survey script will let people participate. (Example: If you set it for the 31st of December, then people will no longer be able to use the survey script on the 1st of January). To disable this, just clear the date from the input field;
  • Set cookie to prevent repeated participation: If this is turned on, a survey participant will be blocked from completing a survey for the second time;
  • Use CAPTCHA for survey access: In order to access the survey, a CAPTCHA code has be typed in by the survey participant;
  • Use CAPTCHA for registration: In order to register for the survey, a CAPTCHA code has be typed in by the survey participant;
  • Use CAPTCHA for save and load: Enable it if a survey participant loads again his survey after he completed only a part of it.

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