The statistics feature is available from the survey toolbar by clicking first on the Responses->Responses and Statistics menu entry from the Survey Summary page and then click the statistics button.
You can access this at any time, even while your survey is actively collecting responses.
Let's say you've got a survey running, or it is finished and you want to start analyzing the results. You can dump all the results into an Excel spreadsheet (or CSV file, or Microsoft Word file). You can do whatever takes your fancy with the data then. Alternatively you can use the statistics feature to have a look at your data and start getting some useful information from it.
The statistics feature allows you to 'filter' your data and retrieve numbers and summaries of different fields from it. The statistics script doesn't attempt to do highly complex filtering - but you'd be surprised at the sort of information that can be easily obtained.
When you click the "Get statistics" button you will be presented with a list of all available questions. For each question there is a checkbox that can be selected in order to show a summary of this table, and an icon that when clicked (or if the mouse hovers over it) will give you the full text of the question. To view the results for a question or questions, check the checkbox(es) at the top of the question(s) and then click "View stats". Alternatively to view the results for all available questions, check the "View summary of all available fields" box at the very top and then click "View stats".
You will then be given a "Results" table which will indicate the number of cases and a "Field Summary" table for each question selected which will summarize all possible answers in the question(s), their totals and their percentage.
Data can be filtered in several ways:
Selecting "View stats" will then give you the "Results" table, indicating the number of responses matching your criteria, and a "Field Summary" table for each question selected which will summarize all possible answers in the question(s), their totals and their percentage. It is important to note that these results are a subset of your total responses. So, for example, if your criteria display 146 records out of a total 180, the summary will show the breakdown of just those 146 records for that table.
The images below indicate that I have elected to view the stats for "Employment status" of completed records/female/age 18-25. This gives me the results for 6 out of 13 records.
Filtering Results
You can select specific questions to include in your reports, and you can also select to only include questions with specific responses. Below, we are filtering to only include responses where the age response was 18-25 years:
Things to be cautious of:
If you want to export the responses that match your criteria, click on the "export" button at the bottom of the 'Results' table. This will bring up the usual export screen, however when you export the results you will only receive the responses that match your criteria. Similarly, click on browse to view the matching responses in the browse screen.
After the graphs have been generated you can export these graphs easily. Use a right-mouse-click over the image and choose "Save image as" and save the graph as a .png-file to your chosen location. Normally all results are displayed as pie charts - only for question type "Multiple Options" bar graphs are used.