How to remove or insert your own privacy message on welcome page
Note: This option is not available on the Basic plan.
If you want to remove or add your own privacy message on the welcome page of your survey, you can do this by creating a custom template in the Template editor, following the steps below, and assign your custom template to your survey. 
1. Go to the Template editor under Configuration on the top menu bar in the Dashboard.
2. Let's assume you are using the survey template called "default".  You can't edit a core template, so click copy to create a copy and give it a unique name.
3. Next, set the Screen to "Welcome page" (top right), and then select the Screen part file "privacy.pstpl" and then on line #3 :
     a)  delete :  <p>{PRIVACYMESSAGE}</p>
     b) replace {PRIVACYMESSAGE} with your own text (note that if you have a multilingual survey, you'll need to purchase paid support to insert the appropriate text for each language as this requires advanced programming)
4. Click on the Save Changes button beneath the editor
5. Then go to your survey, and set the default template to the one you just created (see 2nd image below on where to do this):
Here's a screen shot of the important elements for the template editing:
And here's where you assign your custom template to your survey (from Survey Summary page, select Survey properties->General Settings: General options panel:

And be sure to Save your changes!
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