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/ Section 6: Routing / Skip Logic / Conditions
Section 6: Routing / Skip Logic / Conditions
Video Tutorial: Using the Condition Builder
Often in a survey, we need show or hide questions based on the answers to previous questions. The...
Complex Evaluations, Formulas and Functions
When customizing your surveys, you typically need a way to specify the following: Navigation/Bra...
How to Apply a Conditional Rule against a Question Group
Sometimes it is easier to apply a condition against a question group, instead of each individual ...
How to use relevancy equations to conditonally hide questions and question groups
Relevance equations are the most powerful and flexible way of setting up routing. They use mathem...
How to randomize the display order of a set of question Groups
Displaying a set of question groups in random order is easily done by following these steps:1. Id...
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