5-a. Importing participants from a CSV file
When you use tokens and participant management, you often already have a list of names and email addresses you want to import. The system allows you to import a large number of tokens quickly by importing from CSV files.

What is a CSV file?

CSV stands for Comma Separated Values. A CSV file is just that, a list of comma separated values, typically with column headings on the first line. 

How to create a CSV file

If you have an Excel file, you must first save your file as CSV (Go to Save as and select the file format CSV -- refer to this MS KB article for more help: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Import-or-export-text-txt-or-csv-files-5250ac4c-663c-47ce-937b-339e391393ba).

A participant file requires at least 3 values; first and last name, and an email address. Extra attributes can be added, but you first have to define them.

Create a list of relevant information (usually first and last name, as well as an email address) , and enter the data for your intended recipients. You can do this any way you like, as long as the end result has one column for first names, one for last names, and one for email addresses. Make sure the first row has the values “firstname”, “lastname” and “email”, corresponding to the right columns, you results should look like the image below (note that firstname and lastname can be blank, but must exist as columns in your CSV file). Note we also show a custom attribute field:

The system uses the first row to apply data to the correct token attributes, so these labels must be typed exactly as they appear above (firstname, lastname, email). Save the file as CSV and you should be ready to import.

Importing a CSV file

To import a ready CSV file, log in to the system, and select your survey then click the Survey Participants button on the survey menu bar.

If you have not enabled the participants table yet, you will get a warning message, confirm that you want to initialise tokens. You are now in the participant control screen, which should look like the image below.

You have a variety of options: the import participants from a CSV button is highlighted in this image. Click it to start importing. You'll see this panel with options:

You can now select the CSV file, pick a character set (usually not necessary, leave this as-is, unless you encounter problems with special characters), change the separator used, as well as filter blank emails and duplicates.

Click the Browse... button to select your tokens CSV file from your computer, review the settings (usually you'll leave everything at default) and click Upload. Once the upload is completed, you'll be presented with a summary screen, including how many tokens where imported, along with any errors such as duplicates or invalid email addresses.

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