System Placeholders / Variables you can include in email templates

Placeholders Replaced during Preview

The following field names are allowed in invitation/reminder email templates and must be entered in the survey properties. When sending out the emails these field names will be replaced in the preview of your invitation/reminder email.

{ADMINEMAIL} Email of the Survey admin
{ADMINNAME} Name of Survey Admin
{SURVEYNAME} Title of your survey
{SURVEYDESCRIPTION} Description of your survey

Placeholders Replaced when each Message Sent

The following field names are allowed in invitation/reminder emails (subject and/or body) and will be replaced while sending out the mails:

Note the two ways you can embed the survey URL in your email message.


Survey URL Option 1

Use when you want the respondent to see the URL to click on to start the survey. It will be fully linked and appear like the anchored text below:

Please click the following URL to start the survey:

The HTML source would look like:

<p>Please click the following URL to start the survey: {SURVEYURL}</p>             


Survey URL Option 2

Use when you want to hide the survey URL behind a hyperlink (that is, within an A HREF tag). For example:

Please click to complete the survey.        

The HTML source would look like (note you do not include the http):

<p>Please <a href="@@SURVEYURL@@">click to complete the survey.</a>

Note these screen shots showing how to add this link:


The following are other optional placeholders

{EMAIL} Email of the recipient
{FIRSTNAME} First Name
{LASTNAME} Last Name

Optout URL Option 1

The URL a participant can click to stop receiving any future notifications about the survey. It will be fully linked and appear like the anchored text below:

Unsubscribe from future notifications about this survey by clicking this link:

The HTML source would look like:

<p>Unsubscribe from future notifications about this survey by clicking this link: {OPTOUTURL}</p>  

OptOut URL Option 2

Use when you want to hide the opt out URL behind a hyperlink (that is, within an A HREF tag). For example:

Please click to Unsubscribe from future notifications about this survey.

The HTML source would look like (note you do not include the http):

<p>Please <a href="@@OPTOUTURL@@">click to Unsubscribe</a> from furture notifications about this survey.

Please refer to the screen shots above for how to insert this into your email template text.

{TOKEN} Used to display the participant's token used to access the survey - only display the token, there is no URL associated with this value.

Use to embed the participants token in a hidden URL (that is, within an A HREF tag).

Typically used if you want to create your own URL due to the inclusion of special parameters. For example:

Please click to complete the survey.

The HTML source would look like:

<p>Please <a href="Ā®ion=Western&token={TOKEN:TOKEN}">click to complete the survey.</p>
{ATTRIBUTE_1} Will insert the value associated with your custom Attribute 1
{ATTRIBUTE_2} Will insert the value associated with your custom Attribute 2 (...and so on for more attribute fields)


Placeholders for non-anonymous Surveys

If your survey is NOT anonymous, the following field names are available to insert token data in survey text and javascript. You can use these fields in confirmation and notification email template, too.

{TOKEN:EMAIL} Email of the recipient
{TOKEN} Token to access the survey
{TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_1} Attribute 1
{TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_2} Attribute 2 (and so on for more attribute fields)



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